Staff awards success

Last year we launched our Values – the fundamental set of beliefs that we work to as a business. They have created a framework that ensures our brilliant staff can get behind our vision, which is to provide the best deal for patients and the NHS.

So when we came together to enjoy our summer party, we thought it was the best time to launch our Staff Awards – which fit perfectly with this positive direction.

The nominations for award winners came entirely from the staff, and directors only had an input when a casting vote was needed. We’re pleased to say there were 127 separate nominations in six award categories, and we can now announce the winners! Congratulations to them all, and we hope the framed caricatures that MD Sarah and CEO Neil presented will find place on their walls where they can hang with pride!

And the winners are:

Employees’ choice award: Jake
Notable mentions: Somerset, Martha, Sonia

Mountain Mover award: Sam
Notable mentions: Elaine, Grace, Louise, Bethan

We’re passionate about what we do award: Somerset
Notable mentions: Sam, Jordan G, Karen and Grace

We believe in honesty and integrity award: Anita
Notable mention: Bethan

We strive to improve every day award: Kieran
Notable mention: Anita

We work together as one team award: Claire J
Notable mentions: Charlotte, Dan E and Sonia

Thanks also go to The Beambridge Inn in Wellington that played host to our summer party and hog roast, which was also a great success.

Sadly two of the award winners were not able to be at the event, but here is a selection of the worthy winners with their awards.

sarah jake neil